Affordable Housing and Community Development
- Worked with Goody Clancy, FXM Associates, and Community Reinvestment Associates through a Gateway Plus Action Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), conducted the housing and homelessness analysis and needs assessment for a comprehensive planning study of the Shirley Avenue neighborhood in Revere, Massachusetts.
Worked with the City, neighbors, local nonprofits, business owners, and public officials to identify and prioritize the community's housing and homelessness needs and make strategic recommendations for the City and community to address in the years ahead. Download the Shirley Avenue Planning Study (Adobe Acrobat PDF) »
- In partnership with Community Reinvestment Associates, coordinated the 2008 community-wide consolidated planning process (HUD Strategic Plan for 2008-2012 and Annual Plan for 2008) for various homelessness, housing, and community development funding sources available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the City of Brockton, a large, urban municipality.
Worked with a broad range of stakeholders to provide HUD with information and data about community needs and strategies to address these needs. Collaborated with the Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston, municipal staff, and community stakeholders to develop a strategy and implement activities to promote equal access to housing. Prepared and submitted Brockton's application to HUD for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) and amended its Five-Year Plan to allow for this new initiative.
- Completed the City of Brockton's Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, a HUD-funded and required planning study that provides an overview of demographic and housing market conditions in Brockton; creates a profile of fair housing regulations, resources and issues in the city; assesses the existing market and public policy impediments to fair housing choice; and, recommends policies and activities to diminish or remove identified impediments. Download the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (Adobe PDF) »
- Conducted a real estate market study to facilitate a predevelopment loan for a mixed affordable and market rate condominium and elderly rental housing development in a Boston neighborhood.
From the Executive Director of an organization considering expansion of its geographic area:
"Andrea worked with me, our Board of Directors, and the project funder to understand the organization's capacity and the environment, make recommendations to me and the board, and facilitate discussions among the diverse constituencies involved in making the decision of whether or not to expand. Through the assessment, Andrea developed an understanding of the agency's strengths and weaknesses and surveyed the local market for our services. Andrea also provided us with an organizational assessment, important feedback from our partners and stakeholders, a cost-benefit analysis of the expansion and an implementation plan. She worked with me to present findings to our Board and committee members and to ensure that decision-makers had the information we needed to make this important decision."
"It was a pleasure working with Andrea on this critical project. She understands both the community development corporation business model and affordable housing from a municipal level, which were important skills to bring to our analysis. She had a good rapport with our board of directors and was able to keep me focused throughout our time together. I highly recommend Andrea as a technical assistance provider."
©2020 Andrea Shapiro Consulting